Ticket Running Madness
UPDATE (4/29): Win two free tickets here right now – The Sound Alarm. Since we have too many tickets to deliver in a short time: today only, buy 2 tickets get one free online until they’re gone (hurry hurry). Four days left to get tickets to the hometown show, these shows usually sell out: 1.…
Download This
Here’s a link to download a whole album of MP3s. It’s a ZIP file for “They Can’t Stop Us Now”. Go share it, it’s good for 24-hours. If you’ve already got it, give it to someone as an unexpected present. FB and twitter share buttons are at the bottom of this blog. DOWNLOAD – https://thehint.com/tqc…
Home Alone
Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone? Perms? Haha, love it. Check out F***ThatBand.com to see our press shot torn to pieces. We’re honored! Here’s two shots from the show with Mercy Mercedes at Lord Fairfax College in Virginia:
Has Tim Gone Mad?
F’n nuts. Our friends American Diary release their new album “Theodore”. Tickets are only $5 – msg us directly or hit up the online store.
Things happen in 3’s, Tim’s helicopter ride and the impenetrable lock
Things happen in 3’s: a week ago, one of Geoff’s bass playing fingers started bothering him and it became infected. A few days later, he broke his collarbone. Even though it made playing painful (the bass hangs over his broken shoulder), we had the most amazing show in VA. Thanks to everyone that came out.…
Important Show Update
This just in… UPDATE #1 (the bad news): The show tonight in New Jersey has been postponed by the promoter. Stay tuned for the new date. Sorry guys! UPDATE #2 (the good news): We’ve just announced that THE HINT will be playing at West Chester University tonight. Please help us spread the word. Here are…
Hint Eastwood
Feeling lucky? Taken at the Seton Keough benefit this weekend, thanks for coming to support the cause!
Song 28: Last song of #MonthOfLove
Here it is, the 28th song of the #MonthOfLove w/ @TheHint: “Don’t You Forget About Me” was recorded live around the time of the album “They Can’t Stop Us Now”. The song is originally written and recorded by a band called Simple Minds and everyone knows it as the Breakfast Club song. [audio:https://thehint.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/DontYouForget_Live.mp3] Share it!…
Random walk on a Friday
Hola amigos, We’re announcing a new show at George Washington University very soon. It’s going to be short notice but it’s a free show in DC, so spread the word when we post it. We’re secretly building out this site everyday (and by secret, I mean online in plain view for all to see) and…